To Be a Beacon of Hope

Jan 26, 2023

As you pray for Hope to be a Beacon of Hope, some specific areas that you can lift up are: 

- Youth - our youth ministry is continuing to grow and one thing that is evident is being a youth today is difficult and pursuing God through that season is harder than ever. The pressure to conform to the world’s standards and viewpoints is strong and the lies of the enemy are hurting our youth. 

- Middle School - pray that we would be able to start a middle school ministry that will help transition our kids from Hope Kids to Hope Youth, but also to reach middle schoolers more than we ever have been able to before. 

- Pray for the needs of the operational budget to be met. The operational budget includes payroll to our staff, funding for our ministries, utilities and all other bills, and everything else that allows us to cover the day-to-day expenses of a facility, a team, and ministries. 

- When the facility comes open, we are praying this gets people's attention, that people who are lost or wandering would plug in and put their roots in the Lord here. Pray that we would be ready for the influx of new people coming through the doors and that we would be able to welcome them and help them take the next step toward Jesus. 

- Team members - Pray for God to lead us to the next team members who will be devoted to our kids ministry, to helping our operations run smoothly, and any other area that will need more hands on deck to do all God is calling us to do. Pray these individuals would be anointed and called by God to Hope Church and the position. 

- Pray for additional serve team members to help us build a parking team, fully equip all areas of kids ministries, a potential coffee team, additional welcome team members, and people who are willing to meet needs. 

- Pray for the Restore Hope project to be completed on time and that we would pass inspection. Pray that we would have all the funding we need to cover all construction costs and be able to purchase all we need to prepare the facility to be a blessing to our church, community and execute the work of the ministry.