Our Heart
Reach. Care. Develop.
As a church, our goal is to reach those who are disconnected from God, care for those who are hurting and develop fully mature followers of Christ. We hope that through the ministry of Hope Church, MORE people will give church a chance....and thus find the transformational and life giving grace and mercy of God. It is our heart to be another one of the many churches in Albert Lea that are teaching the life changing HOPE of Jesus Christ!

"Genuine Community"
Our heart is also well described by the phrase "genuine community". We believe community is essential to a healthy church, so we strive to develop meaningful relationships as we do life, with God, together! This happens on Sunday mornings, in discipleship track opportunities, groups, at Nights of Worship, at men's and women's events and more.
"One More"
At Hope Church our heart is defined by a "one more" mission. We desire to make a difference in our community for Christ; to see "one more" heart changed and "one more" life redeemed by the power of Jesus Christ. This mission allows us to simply focus on building the Kingdom of God in everything we do. Whether it be through community events, service projects, our children's ministry or our Sunday morning services, we are focused on reaching "one more"!
Come and join us as we seek to reach more people for Christ!
Come and join us as we seek to reach more people for Christ!