Community Focus 3
Every year, businesses, individuals, churches, and service organizations come together to help Shinefest take on projects to help fix homes, help with yard work, and do repairs for people in our community. Let's begin to cover their week of service in prayer.
**Pray for Discernment on the Neighborhood to focus on in 2019** There are many areas in our community who need help with home projects, yard work, and also to be blessed by volunteers being the hands and feet of Jesus. Pray that God would highlight the neighborhood to focus their efforts in this year and that he would go before the Shinefest volunteers to soften the hearts of the people not just to receive help, but also the hope of the gospel.
**Pray for Volunteers** The entire effort to help bless neighborhoods is volunteer led. Pray for an an abundance of volunteers and pray that the volunteers would be in step with the Holy Spirit, and for opportunities for them to minister to broken people in the neighborhood. Pray and ask God if it could be you!
**Pray for Leadership** The leaders of Shinefest work hard year-round to make this event happen. Pray for the Lord to continue to move in and through their lives, that he would be an ever-present help in all of their jobs, families, responsibilities, and resources. Pray against the schemes of the enemy in the work of their hands and for wisdom in all of their leadership of Shinefest.
##Board and Lodge
The Board & Lodge is an extended care program offered by Fountain Centers to help in the treatment of individuals who are at high risk for relapse. They provide support through counseling, nutrition, recreation, transportation, and healthy living skills.
**Pray for their Transition** For many of the men who take advantage of this program, it is the last step of their treatment before making the transition back to responsibilities, families, and decisions. Pray that they handle the transition well!
**Pray for Support** Pray they would also look to the Lord and the church for support. We see many of the people come to Hope Church and experience God for the first time, pray that they would continue to seek the Lord and be plugged into a local church.
**Resources** Another challenge to transitioning back to responsibility is often finding housing, jobs, and resources to allow for their newly learned patterns of healthy living to grow in. Pray that opportunities would open up doors and allow them to build a new God-honoring lifestyle.