Relationships that Honor God

Apr 10, 2022

Above all else, let my relationships honor you God. Let Jesus be our fit-factor in Christian community. Unite me with other believers through the work of Christ in my life, setting aside differences of age, season of life, struggles, differences of opinion, or any other thing that may keep me from pursing God alongside those in my church family and life. Help me to be salt and light in my relationships that are filled tension and difficulty- always showing up with love, alongside both truth and grace. Help others to know me by your love flowing through me. Keep gossip from being a stumbling block and help me to recognize when conversations begin to move in a direction that doesn’t honor you. I pray that I would be trustworthy, kind, and a Godly influence to all those around me. I surrender the relationships that hinder me from the life you are calling me to live and ask for strength to let go when I need to and to pursue community that is life-giving. Lead me in this area of my life, I want to honor you Father!

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