The Lost

Apr 12, 2022

Today I pray for the lost; those who have not placed their faith and trust in Jesus Christ. In the confusion and self-seeking ways of the world, help them to know that you and you alone are their only hope. Bring people and opportunities into their life to hear the gospel and learn about Jesus. I pray for the Bibles to be accessible and opened, for truth filled songs, media, and influences to show up in their lives. I pray for your light to pierce the darkness. Break down the walls that keep those who are lost from taking steps toward you. Whether it is hurt, pride, addiction, emotional or mental battles- God, would you meet them where they are and show them you are the way, the truth, and the life. I pray for more hearts to choose to follow you today, tomorrow, and in the days and months to come.

If you're looking for another spot to read in your Bible the Psalms and Proverbs are books of poetry right in the middle of your Bible that are filled with wisdom and songs of great hardship, praise, and joy. Our guess is that you'll recognize many of the verses!

What's one or two takeaways from your time with God today?