Temple of the Holy Spirit

Today I pray for believers who struggle to know how to live out their faith as a temple of the Holy Spirit.
Help us to remember that your Word says we are not our own, our body is a temple of the Holy Spirit.
Give us wisdom and conviction to honor our bodies. We pray against acts of the flesh that do not honor you but are so commonly accepted in our culture; extramarital affairs, sex outside of the marriage covenant, viewing pornography and other explicit content. May your truth speak louder in our lives than any other voice of this world. Open our eyes, Lord Jesus.  May we be convicted to stop allowing sins of the flesh to be displayed in our homes by means of the television and our cell phones. May our ears be alerted to music with catchy tunes that have lyrics of lust. And may hearts be convicted of the destruction of pornography. Lord, help us to honor our bodies as your temple. Come Holy Spirit come and make your home in us.