Creation of God
Lord, our culture has gotten so far away from you that we fail to know who we are in Christ. We let our minds be trapped by the lies of the enemy and lose sight of our knowledge that you are our Creator. You formed every aspect of the human body, you put the breathe of life into us and said you created us in your own image. You gave us everything, Lord God! We give you praise for your perfect plan and design for all creation. Today I recognize that I am a creation of God alongside every person who has ever been on this planet.
Lord, soften our hearts to those who have lost sight and wandered from your truth. Let us be a reflection of your grace and love to all that that are confused about their identity. We pray for those who are falling into the enemy’s lies and believing the ideas that He places in their minds that is so far from your truth. We pray against his attack on young and old who want to deny who you have made them to be in every aspect of their identity from gender, to personality and calling. Remind them, Lord God, of who they are in you; every fingerprint created by you. Instill in all of our hearts and minds, the truths of Psalms 139; that you made all the delicate, inner parts of my body and knit me together in my mother’s womb. May we glorify you for your incredible workmanship! May we embrace, today, we were made in Your image.
Thank you for who you are, Our Creator! We don’t need to be confused of our identity or our worth for Your love is unconditional. May we embrace our identity of being your creation, made in your image God! We submit to you, our talents, our gifts, our abilities that all come from you. May each one of us, in our uniqueness, let our Lights shine brightly for you. May we be a reflection of Your love, kindness, gentleness, and patience so all can plainly see our identity is in you Lord God and you said as you looked over all you had made, it was very good!